Smart livestock


The second axis focuses on the application of smart precision technologies in livestock farming, through the work module "WU3. Smart Livestock", utilizing innovative technologies for monitoring the extensively reared herds of goats, in mountainous areas of the region of Western Macedonia, with the aim of gathering information on nutrition, grazing hours as well as collecting information on milk management (milking route - cheese making). The above will be transformed into practical tools for highlighting the superior quality of locally produced traditional dairy products.

Project Objectives

Initially, the characteristics of the mountain pastures and the special flora that grows in them in the region of Western Macedonia will be investigated, recorded and evaluated. The diverse natural environment of the mountains of the region of Western Macedonia forms a unique cradle of biodiversity, an integral feature of which is goat farming, which utilizes the available natural resources and special climatic characteristics to produce quality agri-food products with added value. With this project, after investigating the conditions, the environment and the characteristics of the pastures mountainous areas of the region of Western Macedonia in which goats graze as well as the special characteristics of the produced milk and dairy products, it will be possible to highlight the quality superiority. with simultaneous certification of their locality and authenticity.


The interconnection of the special characteristics of the grazing material of the mountain pastures of the region of Western Macedonia with the special characteristics of Aegean milk and its processing products will be carried out through innovative methods of certification of the place of animal rearing and milk production. Thus, by documenting the uniqueness of the produced products through quality superiority, but also by highlighting the locality and authenticity of the milk produced (and consequently of the processing products), the region of Western Macedonia will be able to produce products with a special Mountain Areas of Special Specifications label (O.P.E.P.), which will respond to modern nutritional requirements consumer demands.

The research team

Παρασκευή Μητλιάγκα

Paraskevi Mitliaga

Professor - Supervisor of WU3

Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
pmitliagka (at)

Κωνσταντίνος Κακούλης

Konstantinos Kakoulis


Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
kkakoulis (at)

Παναγιώτης Κυράτσης

Panagiotis Kyratsis


Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
pkyratsis (at)

Θεανώ Λαζαρίδου

Theano Lazaridou


Department of Agriculture
University of Western Macedonia
tlazaridou (at)

Ελένη Κασαπίδου

Eleni Kasapidou

Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια

Department of Agriculture
University of Western Macedonia
ekasapidou (at)

Ιωάννης Τσακίρης

Ioannis Tsakiris

Associate Professor

Department of Agriculture
University of Western Macedonia
itsakiris (at)

Παναγιώτης Μαδέσης

Panagiotis Madesis

Assistant Professor

Department of Agriculture Plant Production and Rural Environment
University of Thessaly
pmadesis (at)

Ζωή Μπασδαγιάννη

Zoi Basdogianni

Assistant Professor

Department of Agriculture
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
basdagianni (at)

Αρσένης Τσιότσιας

Arsenis Tsiotsias

Assistant Professor

Department of Obstetrics
University of Western Macedonia
atsiotsias (at)

Μαρία Αναστασία Καρατζιά

Maria Anastasia Karatzia

Researcher C

Institute of Animal Production Science
karatzia (at)

Αναστάσιος Κεσίδης

Anastasios Kesidis


Department of Agriculture
University of Western Macedonia
akesidis (at)

Δημήτρης Μαργαρίτης

Dimitris Margaritis


Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
dmargaritis (at)

Βασίλειος Παπαδόπουλος

Βασίλειος Παπαδόπουλος


Department of Agriculture
University of Western Macedonia
vpapadopoulos (at)

Βασίλειος Γκανάτσιος

Vasileios Gkanatsios

Post-Doctoral researcher

Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
v.gkanatsios (at)

Δημήτριος Ζιούζιος

Δημήτριος Ζιούζιος


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
dziouzios (at)

Αχιλλεύς Κεραμάρης

Αχιλλεύς Κεραμάρης


Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
akeramaris (at)

Γιώργος Παπατζήμος

Γιώργος Παπατζήμος


Department of Agriculture
University of Western Macedonia
papatzimos (at)

Αναστασία Αγγελίδου

Anastasia Aggelidou

PhD candidate

Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
anastasciangel (at)

Μιχάλης Αμανατίδης

Michalis Amanatidis

PhD candidate

Department of Agriculture
University of Western Macedonia
michamanat (at)

Αθανάσιος Μανάβης

Athanasios Manavis

Υποψήφιος Διδάκτορας

Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
manavis.athanasios (at)

Βασιλική Τόρτοκα

Vasiliki Tortoka

Postgraduate Student

Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
vtortoka (at)

Κατερίνα Τσιφτσή

Katerina Tsiftsi

Postgraduate Student

Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
katiatsif (at)


  1. Kasapidou, E., Stergioudi, R. A., Papadopoulos, V., Mitlianga, P., Papatzimos, G., Karatzia, M. A., … & Basdagianni, Z. (2023). Effect of Farming System and Season on Proximate Composition, Fatty Acid Profile, Antioxidant Activity, and Physicochemical Properties of Retail Cow Milk. Animals, 13(23), 3637.
  2. Kasapidou, E., Iliadis, I. V., Mitlianga, P., Papatzimos, G., Karatzia, M. A., Papadopoulos, V., … & Basdagianni, Z. (2023). Variations in Composition, Antioxidant Profile, and Physical Traits of Goat Milk within the Semi-Intensive Production System in Mountainous Areas during the Post-Weaning to End-of-Lactation Period. Animals, 13(22), 3505.
  3. Kasapidou, Ε.; Karatzia, M-A; Mitlianga, Π.; Basdagianni, Ζ.; Effects of Production Systems and Seasons on Retail-Goat-Milk Fatty-Acid Composition and Nutritional Indices in Greece. Animals 12 (17), 2204,

Conference presentations:
  1. Kasapidou, E., Mitlianga, P., Papatzimos, G., Basdagianni, Z., & Karatzia, M.A. (2024). Discrimination of organic goat retail milk by fatty acid biomarkers. Book of Abstracts of the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production p 498.
  2. Papatzimos, G., Mitlianga, P., Karatzia, M.A., Basdagianni, Z., & Kasapidou, E. (2024). Total phenolic content and antioxidant profile – A comparative study between retail goat and cow milk. Book of Abstracts of the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production p 496.
  3. Karatzia, M., Amanatidis, M., Basdagianni, Z., Mitliagka, P., & Kasapidou. (2024). Grazing behaviour of transhumant goats under climate pressure – the case of western Macedonia, Greece. Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Regional Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science p 50.
  4. Kontodimos, I., Chatzimanoli, E., Kasapidou, E., Basdagianni, Z., Karatzia, M. A., Amanatidis, M., & Margaritis, N. (2023, October). Characterization of Bioactive Compounds and Element Content in Goat Milk and Cheese Products. In Biology and Life Sciences Forum (Vol. 26, No. 1, p. 98). MDPI.
  5. Ganatsios, V., Basdagianni, Z., Kasapidou, E., Karatzia, M.-A., Tsiftsi, A., Papazimos, G., Keramaris, A., & Mitlianga, P. (2023). Quality attributes of regionally-produced goat cheese: A comprehensive analysis on nutritional indices. Book of Abstracts of Food Science & Nutrition Research Conference, Valencia, Spain, pp. 124-125.
  6. Ganatsios, V., Mitlianga, P., Basdagianni, Z., Karatzia, M.-A., Papatzimos, G., & Kasapidou, E. (2023). Comparative analysis antioxidant capacity in Greek market goat milk samples in annual basis: Effect of thermal processing and production system. Book of Abstracts of Food Science & Nutrition Research Conference, Valencia, Spain, pp. 120-121.
  7. Ganatsios, V., Kasapidou, E., Karatzia, M.-A., Basdagianni, Z., Tortoka, V., Papadopoulos, V., & Mitlianga, P. (2023). Comparative analysis of nutritional indicators in Greek goat’s milk yoghurt across various producers. Book of Abstracts of Food Science & Nutrition Research Conference, Valencia, Spain, p 119.
  8. Papatzimos, G., Mitlianga, P., Karatzia, M.A., Basdagianni, Z., & Kasapidou, E. (2023). Milk fat nutritional indices – A comparative study between retail goat and cow milk. Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production p 914.
  9. Karatzia, M.A., Amanatidis, M., Papatzimos, G., Kasapidou, E., Mitliagka, P., & Basdagianni, Z. (2023). Mountain caprine milk – the higher the better? Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production p 914.
  10. Kasapidou, E., Iliadis, I.V., Papatzimos, G., Karatzia, M.A., Basdagianni, Z., & Mitlianga, P. (2023). Chemical composition and physicochemical characteristics of mountainous goat milk during lactation. Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production p 511.
  11. Αμανατίδης, Μ., Καρατζιά, Μ.Α., Μπασδαγιάννη, Ζ., Μητλιάγκα, Π., & Κασαπίδου Ε. (2023). Ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά του αίγειου γάλακτος ορεινών περιοχών της Δυτικής Μακεδονίας. Επιθεώρηση Ζωοτεχνικής Επιστήμης – Ειδική Έκδοση Πρακτικά 37ου Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Ζωοτεχνικής Εταιρείας, Νέα Ορεστιάδα, σελ. 83.
  12. Amanatidis, M.; Karatzia, M-A.; Basdagianni, Z.; Mitliagka, P.; Kasapidou, E. Semi-extensive goat farming systems in the mountainous region of Western Macedonia – sustainability goals amidst a changing territory. International Mountain Conference 2022, September 11 – 15 2022, Ιnnsbruck, Austria.
Other activities:
  1. 21-10-2021: Collection of soil and plant samples from a mountain pasture of the wider area of Mount Dovra-Valta (Metaxa region of Servia Kozani)
  2. March-October 2022: Goat milk sampling


D3.1.1: Survey of the existing situation of extensively reared goat flocks in the Western Macedonia region. 

D3.1.2: Pasture mapping 

D3.1.3: Changes in biomass of areas and documentation of livestock movements.

D3.2.1: Chemical composition of milk and its physicochemical characteristics.

D3.2.2: Link between grazing areas and products. 

D3.2.3: Nutritional value of the produced milk. Διατροφική αξία παραγόμενου γάλακτος. 

D3.2.4: Identification of plant species in dairy products. 

D3.2.5: Identification of soil microorganisms from grazing areas.

D3 3 1: Nutritional value of dairy products (cheese, yogurt).

D3.4.1: Economic viability of goat farming in the Western Macedonia region.

D3.5.1: Integrated product visual identity study (rationale, sign design, choice of colors and fonts). 

D3.5.2: Identity design source files from the corresponding software for each communication, typography and display use 

D3.5.3: Comprehensive packaging study (rationale, sign design, choice of colors and fonts, etc.). 

D3.5.4: Packaging design source files for every communication, typography and display use. 

D3.5.5: Source design files of the communication material from the corresponding software (advertising brochures, posters, stands). 

D3.5.6: Physical samples / prototypes in limited number with the equipment of the program. 

D6.2.3: Papers (10) in scientific conferences/journals from Work Package 3.

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