Questionnaire for the promotion of the bioeconomy in the region of Western Macedonia

As part of the project "New Technologies and Innovative Approaches in Relation to Agro-Food and Tourism for the Enhancement of Regional Excellence in Western Macedonia - Agrotour," led by the Institute of Chemical Engineering and High-Temperature Processes (ICE/HT) of the National Centre for Research and Technological Development (CERTH), the research team of P1.3.3 developed a research questionnaire aimed at exploring knowledge, interest, and possibilities for promoting the bioeconomy in the Western Macedonia Region.

The aim of this action is to examine the synergy between the bioeconomy and the agri-food sector and explore further possibilities for its promotion in the Western Macedonia Region.   

The questionnaire is available at the following link:

The results of the research will be presented in Deliverable D1.3.3: Report with the research findings (Technical Report).