Mixed Reality Tourist Routes


The application of new technologies and innovative approaches in the field of tourism will take place through " "WU5. Mixed Reality Tourist Itineraries". The aim of this EU is the research in relation to mixed reality (MR) and gamification for the development of tourism applications. 

Mixed Reality (MR)

The research team will document points of tourist interest along each trail (buildings and structures of historical and archaeological significance, areas of historical events, locations of natural beauty) to create electronic material (e.g., representation of demolished buildings in their original form, representation of historical events). The goal is to promote the mountainous areas of the Western Macedonia region as destinations for hiking tourism and to develop thematic tourism related to the lignite/metallignite period. 


Serious games are innovative experiential tools that educate and train users within an attractive artificial environment with specific objectives and challenges. It's a research challenge to create scenarios for a serious game related to augmented and virtual reality technologies (mixed reality). In the form of a serious game, visitors will be invited to explore selected mountain trails and use Mixed Reality (MR) technologies to collect digital evidence. As a reward for their visit, they will unlock an application specially designed for high-quality three-dimensional and augmented reality content, enriched with content from areas in Western Macedonia.


Project Objectives

  • Development of mixed reality tourism applications 
  • Application of Gamification techniques in tourism 
  • Promotion of the mountain trails of Western Macedonia and strengthening of special forms of tourism (such as walking and thematic tourism)


The research team

Γεώργιος Λάππας

Georgios Lappas

Professor - Supervisor of WU5

Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
glappas (at) uowm.gr

Γιάννης Ζιώγας

Yannis Ziogas

Professor - Supervisor of WU5

Florina School of Fine Arts
University of Western Macedonia
yziogas (at) uowm.gr

Δόμνα Μιχαήλ

Domna Mihail


Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
dmihail (at) uowm.gr

Κωνσταντίνος Ντίνας

Konstantinos Dinas


Department of Preschool Education
University of Western Macedonia
kdinas (at) uowm.gr

Βασίλειος Μπούζας

Vasilios Bouzas

Associate Professor

Department of Visual and Applied Arts
University of Western Macedonia
vasbouzas (at) gmail.com

Μάρκος Τσίπουρας

Markos Tsipouras

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
mtsipouras (at) uowm.gr

Μιχάλης Βρίγκας

Mihalis Vrigkas

Assistant Professor

Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
mvrigkas (at) uowm.gr

Αναστασία Γιαννακοπούλου

Anastasia Giannakopoulou

Assistant Professor

Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
ayannacopoulou (at) uowm.gr

Αλέξανδρος Κλεφτοδήμος

Alexandros Kleftodimos

Assistant Professor

Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
akleftodimos (at) uowm.gr

Μαρία Ματσιώλα

Maria Matsiola

Assistant Professor

Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
mmatsiola (at) uowm.gr

Σταμάτης Πουλακιδάκος

Stamatis Poulakidakos

Assistant Professor

Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
spoulakidakos (at) uowm.gr

Αμαλία Τριανταφυλλίδου

Amalia Triantafyllidou

Assistant Professor

Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
atriantafylidou (at) uowm.gr

Στέφανος Γκούτζιος

Stefanos Goutzios


Department of Communication and Digital Media
University of Western Macedonia
sgoutzios (at) uowm.gr

Αλέξανδρος Αμπατζόγλου

Alexandros Abatzoglou

PhD candidate

Department of Visual and Applied Arts
University of Western Macedonia
pionero531 (at) gmail.com

Φωτεινή Γραμουσένη

Foteini Gramouseni

PhD candidate

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
dece00059 (at) uowm.gr

Νίκος Θεοδωρόπουλος

Nikos Theodoropoulos

PhD candidate

Department of History and Archaeology
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
nstheod (at) gmail.com

Χρήστος Μπέλλος

Χρήστος Μπέλλος

PhD candidate

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
c.bellos (at) uowm.gr

Γιώργος Πράπας

Giorgos Prappas

PhD candidate

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
g.prapas (at) uowm.gr

Αντώνης Σαραντίδης

Antonis Sarantidis

PhD candidate

Department of History and Archaeology
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
antsar80 (at) gmail.com

Ράνια Σχορετσανίτη

Rania Schoretsaniti

PhD candidate

Department of Visual and Applied Arts University of Western Macedonia
raniascho1 (at) gmail.com

Πηνελόπη Αδαμακίδου

Πηνελόπη Αδαμακίδου

Προπτυχιακή Φοιτήτρια

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
pinelopiadamakidou (at) gmail.com

Κωνσταντίνος Γεωργίτσαρος

Κωνσταντίνος Γεωργίτσαρος

Undergraduate Student

Tμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών
University of Western Macedonia
kgewrgitsaros (at) gmail.com

Γρηγόριος Κούτσικος

Grigorios Koutsikos

Undergraduate Student

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
ece01176 (at) uowm.gr

Αναστασία Μίμου

Αναστασία Μίμου

Προπτυχιακή Φοιτήτρια

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
anastasiamimou (at) gmail.com

Ίρις Μπουρνάζου

Iris Bournazou

Postgraduate Student

Department of Visual and Applied Arts University of Western Macedonia
irisbournazou (at) gmail.com

Αιμιλία Ντέτσκα

Αιμιλία Ντέτσκα

Προπτυχιακή Φοιτήτρια

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
aimili.10detska (at) gmail.com

Κωνσταντίνος Παλέγκας

Κωνσταντίνος Παλέγκας

Undergraduate Student

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
ntinospalegas (at) gmail.com

Δώρα Σιαφλά

Δώρα Σιαφλά

Προπτυχιακή Φοιτήτρια

Department of Visual and Applied Arts
University of Western Macedonia

Γιώργος Τούλιος

Giorgos Toulios

Undergraduate Student

Department of Visual and Applied Arts
University of Western Macedonia
6organ (at) gmail.com

Χρήστος Τσακμάκογλου

Christos Tsakmakoglou

Undergraduate Student

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
xristos.tsak.1 (at) gmail.com

Μπρισέλντα Τσεκάνι

Μπρισέλντα Τσεκάνι

Προπτυχιακή Φοιτήτρια

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia
briselda.tsekani (at) gmail.com


  1. Glavas, Κ.; Prapas, G.; Tzimourta, K.; Tzallas, A.; Giannakeas, N. and Tsipouras, M. “Intra-User Analysis Based on Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Game “, 45th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2022), 2022, [Online], Accepted, https://10.1109/TSP55681.2022.9851336
  2. Prapas, G.; Glavas, Κ.; Tzimourta, K.; Tzallas, A.; Giannakeas, N. and Tsipouras, M., “Motor Imagery Approach for BCI Game Development”, 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (7TH SEEDA-CECNSM 2022), Ioannina, Greece, 2022, Accepted, https://10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM57760.2022.99322937.
  3. Glavas, K.; Prapas, G.; Tzimourta, K.D.; Giannakeas, N.; Tsipouras, M.G. Evaluation of the User Adaptation in a BCI Game Environment. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12722. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122412722
Conference presentations:
  1. Triantafillidou, A. and Georgios Lappas (2022), Virtual and Augmented Reality in Serious Tourism Games: Opportunities, Tourist Motives, and Challenges, in Proceedings of the 4th ETLTC International Conference on Information & Communications Technology, Aizuwakamatsu, Japan, January 25-28.
  2. Kleftodimos, A., Lappas, G.; Vrigkas, M. and Gkoutzios, S. (2022), Taleblazer vs Metaverse: A Comparative Analysis of the Two Platforms for Building AR Location-Based Educational Experiences, paper presented at the 4th ETLTC International Conference on Information & Communications Technology, Aizuwakamatsu, Japan, January 25-28 and further considered by editorial board for publication in the International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management.


D5.1.1: Theoretical Approaches to Serious Games in Tourism. 

D5.1.2: Determination of Requirements and Technologies for Creating the Interactive Serious Treasure Hunt Game. 

D5.1.3: User Requirements Report for AR Applications in Tourism.

D5.2.1: Research on Creating Suitable Scenarios for Mountain Destinations. 

D5.2.2: Tourist Points of Interest.

D5.3.1: Algorithm for the Integration of MR and BCI.

D5.4.1: Primary Material of Tourist Points of Interest. 

D5.4.2: Implementation of AR Tourist Points of Interest.

D5.4.3: Design and Implementation of Serious Games.

D5.5.1:Design and Implementation of High-Quality Mixed Reality Experience Scenarios.

D5.6.1:Evaluation of the Use of Serious Games and High-Quality Experience Scenarios. 

D5.6.2:Evaluation of the Final AR Application for Tourist Points of Interest.

D6.1.1: Project website. 

D6.1.2: Social Media Profiles.

D6.2.5: Publications (12) in Scientific Conferences/Journals from WP5.

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