Tourism policies in the Region of Western Macedonia


The aim of the proposed research project is, first of all, to identify the factors that influence tourism demand for Greece and the Region of Western Macedonia, then to evaluate the temporal impact of each factor separately and finally to determine the effective temporal action of the media and tourism policy actions that private and government agencies can use when short-term factors that may affect tourist arrivals. The purpose of our research is to create a guide/model (blueprint) of the time effectiveness of each tourism action, energy and policy. The need for this guide/model arises from the fact that tourism policy actions must be formulated in the short term and above all that these actions should be checked for their time effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

Regarding the scope of this proposed project, our research blueprint will be a valuable tool for assessing the potential impact of changing international conditions affecting the Greek tourism industry as well as for evaluating tourism policies, actions and activities of Greek private and state agencies, small or large hotels and businesses participating in the tourism sector. The tourism businesses of the region directly benefit, while the population of the region indirectly benefits through the increase in the regional GDP.


Project Objectives

  • Identifying the factors that affect tourism demand
  • Assessing the temporal impact of each factor separately and determining the effective temporal action of tourism policy instruments and actions that can be used by private and government agencies when short-term factors that may affect tourism flows change.
  • Modeling and forecasting tourist arrivals using differential equations

The research team

Τσούνης Νικόλαος

Tsounis Nikolaos

Professor - Supervisor of WU4

Department of Economics
University of Western Macedonia
ntsounis (at)

Βλάχβεη Ασπασία

Vlahvei Aspasia


Department of Economics
University of Western Macedonia
avlahvei (at)

Μονοβασίλης Θεόδωρος

Monovasilis Theodoros


Department of Economics
University of Western Macedonia
tmonovasilis (at)

Αγιομυργιανάκης Γεώργιος

Agiomyrgiannakis Georgios


Department of Accounting and Finance
Hellenic Mediterranean University
georgeagios (at)

Δριτσάκη Χάϊδω

Dritsaki Haido


Department of Accounting and Finance
University of Western Macedonia
cdritsaki (at)

Σαριαννίδης Νικόλαος

Sariannidis Nikolaos


Department of Accounting and Finance
University of Western Macedonia
nsariannidis (at)

Καλογηράτου Ζαχαρούλα

Kalogiratou Zaharoula


Computer Science Department
University of Western Macedonia
zkalogiratou (at)



The following papers are under writing or have been submitted for publication:

  1. Tsounis, N.; Vlachvei, A.; Bertsatos, G.; Iliopoulou, E.; ‘Revenue Determinants in Alternative Tourism Market: A LASSO Approach’, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (submitted)
  2. Tsounis, N. (with Dritsaki,C.; Agiomirgianakis,G.; Vlachvei, A.; Bertsatos,G.; Iliopoulou, E.; Monovasilis, T.), ‘Expenditure Share Elasticities in a Tourism AIDS model for the Region of Western Macedonia’, (in preparation).
  3. Tsounis, N. (with Dritsaki,C.; Agiomirgianakis,G.; Vlachvei, A.; Bertsatos,G.; Iliopoulou, E.; Monovasilis, T.), ‘Determinants of Tourism Demand in the Region of Western Macedonia’, (in preparation).
  4. Tsounis, N. (with Bertsatos, G.; Kalogiratou, Z.; Monovasilis, T.), ‘A Computational Model for predicting Tourist arrivals in the Region of Western Macedonia’, (in preparation).
  5. Tsounis, N. (with Bertsatos, G.; Kalogiratou, Z.; Monovasilis, T.), (forthcoming), ‘Modeling Tourist Arrivals with the use of Differential Equations: the case of alternative tourist in Greece’, in N. Tsounis and A. Vlachvei (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics ICOAE2022.
Conference presentations:


D4.1.1: Literature review report

D4.2.1: Database with collected primary / secondary data.

D4.3.1: Tourism arrivals modeling report.

D4.4.1: Έκθεση χρονικής αποτελεσματικότητας πολιτικών τουρισμού.

D6.2.4: Papers (3) in scientific conferences/journals from Work Package 4

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