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- Damos, P.; Papathanasiou, F; Tsikos, E.; Kyriakidis, T. and Louta, M. “Predicting the occurrence and risk damage caused by the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch) in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) combining rate and heat summation models for digital decisions support”, submitted to Agriculture, 2023
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- Kasapidou, Ε.; Karatzia, M-A; Mitlianga, Π.; Basdagianni, Ζ.; Effects of Production Systems and Seasons on Retail-Goat-Milk Fatty-Acid Composition and Nutritional Indices in Greece. Animals 12 (17), 2204, https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12172204
Tsounis, Ν., Agiomirgianakis, G., Dritsaki, C., Vlachvei, A., Iliopoulou, E., Bertsatos, G., Kalogiratou, Z., Monovasilis, T., Sariannidis, N., (2023), ‘Pricing policies for sustainable growth and development led by tourism in the Region of Western Macedonia’, Theoretical Economic Letters, 13:1669-1683. https://doi.org/10.4236/tel.2023.137096
Tsounis,N., Vlachvei, A., Bertsatos, G., Iliopoulou, E., (2023), ‘Revenue Determinants in Alternative Tourism Market App’, Current Issues in Tourism, 27(5):710-719. (βραβεύτηκε ως η 2η καλύτερη εργασία της Σχολής Οικονομικών Επιστημών)
Kalogiratou, Z., Monovasilis, T., Tsounis,N., Bertsatos,G., (forthcoming), ‘Tourism Product Life-Cycle Dynamics: a computational approach to identify tourism stages in Italy and Greece’, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics. (accepted).
Tsounis,N. (with Agiomirgianakis,G., Vlachvei, A., Bertsatos, G., Iliopoulou, E.), ‘Determinants of Tourism Demand in the Region of Western Macedonia’, (submitted).
Tsounis,N. (with Bertsatos, G., Kalogiratou, Z., Monovasilis, T.), (2023), ‘Modeling Tourist Arrivals with the use of Differential Equations: the case of alternative tourist in Greece’, in N. Tsounis and A. Vlachvei (eds.), Advances in Empirical Economic Research, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics ICOAE2022, Chapter 58, pp. 937-946 [ISBN: 978-3-031-22748-6]
- Glavas, Κ.; Prapas, G.; Tzimourta, K.; Tzallas, A.; Giannakeas, N. and Tsipouras, M. “Intra-User Analysis Based on Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Game “, 45th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2022), 2022, [Online], Accepted, https://10.1109/TSP55681.2022.9851336
- Prapas, G.; Glavas, Κ.; Tzimourta, K.; Tzallas, A.; Giannakeas; N. and Tsipouras, M. G., “Motor Imagery Approach for BCI Game Development”, 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (7TH SEEDA-CECNSM 2022), Ioannina, Greece, 2022, Accepted, https://10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM57760.2022.99322937.
- Glavas, K.; Prapas, G.; Tzimourta, K.D.; Giannakeas, N.; Tsipouras, M.G. Evaluation of the User Adaptation in a BCI Game Environment. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12722. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122412722
- Prapas, G., Glavas; K., Tzimourta, K. D.; Tzallas, A. T. and Tsipouras, M. G. (2023). Mind the Move: Developing a Brain-Computer Interface Game with Left-Right Motor Imagery. Information, 14(7), 354. https://doi.org/10.3390/info14070354
- Gramouseni, F.; Prapas, G.; Bellos, C.; Angelidis, P.; Giannakeas N. and Tsipouras, M. G. , “Exploring Ensemble Machine Learning Models for Attention and Memory Assesment,” 2023 46th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Prague, Czech Republic, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1109/TSP59544.2023.10197698.
- G. Prapas, K. Glavas, F. Gramouseni, C. Bellos, A. Sarantidis, N. Theodoropoulos, R.Schoretsaniti, Y. Ziogas and M. G. Tsipouras, “Augmenting reality in mountain routes”, 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies & Applications (iMETA2023), DOI: 10.1109/iMETA59369.2023.10294605
- F. Gramouseni, G. Prapas, P. Angelidis, N. Giannakeas and M. G. Tsipouras, “Augmenting Education”, 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies & Applications (iMETA2023), Tartu, Estonia, https://doi.org/10.1109/iMETA59369.2023.10294647
- F. Gramouseni, K.D. Tzimourta, P. Angelidis, N. Giannakeas, M.G. Tsipouras, “Cognitive Assessment Based on Electroencephalography Analysis in Virtual and Augmented Reality Environments, Using Head Mounted Displays: A Systematic Review.”, Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2023, 7, 163. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc7040163